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How To Mount Bass Traps | [Method Simplified]

how to mount bass traps effectively

In this post, I'll walk you through the step by step methods to help you achieve the optimum outcome.

How to mount bass traps?

It goes without saying that I've to answer this query on a regular basis to my clients.

Especially the newbies are skeptical about mounting the bass traps.

Bass traps are one of the cheapest, yet effective ways to combat low-frequencies.

The bass traps are very popular among people owning a studio.

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Some of the places where you can install bass traps are the home studio, audio recording studio, video recording room etc.

This post is a complete package for you, in case you're looking for the information related to bass traps.

Before we get to indulge in deep discussion, allow me to share with you the link of other articles that you must read to have a deep understanding of bass traps.
I hope the aforementioned articles will help you in some way.

What is Bass Traps Used for?

The name "bass traps" is self-explanatory, indeed. Bass traps are solely used for combating the low-frequencies.

I highly recommend you to install bass traps, in case, you're facing the problem of reverbs, vibrations, and echoes.

Some of the places where these traps perform extremely well are as follows:
  • Recording Studios
  • Home Studios
  • Radio Stations
  • Podcast Stations
  • Low and mid-sized rooms looking for enhancing the acoustical environment
Do Bass Traps also SoundProof Room?

As already mentioned, bass traps are extremely efficient at combating lower-frequencies and negating the impact of echoes, reverbs, and vibrations.

But, when it comes to soundproofing, you can expect much from bass traps.

They don't have the capability to block the external noise(traffic, railway station, airport) or airborne noise(noise produced by the household appliances), and thus, it can't be used solely for soundproofing a room.

However, you can use bass traps along with soundproofing materials such as soundproof curtains, moving blankets etc for sound dampening purpose.

Where Should I Place Bass Traps?

Before we discuss the placement of the bass traps, I want to make you aware with some of the facts related to low-frequencies.
  • Low-frequencies are the tougher to combat as compared to the mid/high range frequencies.
  • The low-frequencies have the capability to travel far distance.
  • Unlikely, mid/high range frequencies, low-frequencies can travel through the walls and other solid materials.
  • Low-frequencies are the sole reason for the reverbs, vibrations, and echoes.
Coming back to the query, It is highly recommended to install the bass traps in the corner of the room or on the trihedral junctions. (meeting point of two walls and ceiling/floor)

If you're planning to improve the acoustical properties of your room, then you should first calculate the current acoustical parameters such as hot spots.

Once you've figured out the hot spots, the next thing you've to do is to install the bass traps in the vicinity of the hot spots or at the hot spots.

Till now, I hope the discussion is enriching and interesting.

So, without any further ado, let's discuss the installation process.

How To Mount Foam Bass Traps?

There are numerous ways of installing bass traps. 

However, you should select one that is less time-consuming and can be done without professional help.

Here, I would like to make a point that bass traps if NOT installed properly can lead to an unexpected outcome.

I'm sharing the steps that I use for the installation of bass traps.

1. Figure out the location

It is important to find out hot spots and null points in the room which you want to treat acoustically.

By doing so, you'll get the fair idea of what shape/size will sync with the location.

2. Find the Number of Bass Traps that You'll Require

I'll not deny the fact that the shape/size of the room greatly influences the number of bass traps requirement.

This is definitely a crucial step if you're tight on a budget.

Calculating the required number of bass traps prior to buying can help you from buying more than required.

If you're not able to figure out the number of bass traps that you need to buy, then follow this simple thumb rule.

Calculate the number of corners that your room has, and buy the same number of bass traps.

Install them, and then, check the acoustical properties of your room.

If the outcome is NOT as per your expectation, add more to enhance the acoustical properties.

3. Get T-pins

There are different types of screws available on the market that you can use for the purpose of mounting the bass traps.

However, my suggestion would be to go with T-pins. They are pretty inexpensive and durable as well.

4. Use T-pins to mount the bass traps on the wall

It goes without saying that you don't have to do anything on your end. Simply buy the T-pins and put it to the work.

Wrapping Up: How To Mount Bass Traps

I hope this piece of information will help you in the mounting of the bass traps.

Last but not least, you can't ignore bass traps in case you want to combat the low-frequencies.

It is also important to find the hotspots and null points in the room before starting the process of installation.

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