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What Can I Do If My Neighbor Is Playing Loud Music?

what can I do if my neighbor is playing loud music

What can I do if my neighbor is playing loud music?

Well, the answer is you can do numerous things including complaining to the police. However, in this post, we aren't gonna discuss any such thing. We as a team at "izzysoundproofing" believes prevention is better than cure.

Since this blog talks all about the soundproofing, so this post will also NOT be different from that.

We will try to help you with suggestions, and if you imply these suggestions, then I can assure you that the problem of loud neighbors will be solved forever.

Needless to say, our solution will revolve more around the soundproofing your room.

1. Soundproof Fences: The soundproof fences act as a great noise insulator. If a lot of noise is coming from your neighbors' house, then I will recommend you to go for acoustic fence panels

As per my experience, this is perhaps the best option when it comes to blocking sound coming from outside.

The thicker the acoustic fences the better will be the performance.

If you are planning to buy an acoustic fence, then you need to be well aware of these things else the acoustic fence panel may become a nightmare for you.

Let's discuss each one of them in detail.

The distance between your home and fence: First and foremost, you need to have a big yard to apply the acoustic fence. However, if you don't have a big yard, then we have other solutions for you.

I recommend having a minimum distance of 25 meters between the fence and the house. The more the distance the better will be the result.

At times, it is possible that the fence will not be able to dampen the noise completely. However, if the distance of the house is 25 meters or more, then the noise will fade away before it reaches the house.

Valley and fence together can do the work: If you are the one who lives in a valley, then by setting up some fences that are a few meters high can do the job.

The higher the fence is the better is the result.

You can expect a high difference when it comes to impact noise.

These fences are made of soundproofing materials and are also thicker. So, you will not hear the unwanted noise if it is in a small valley.

On the other hand, if it is situated on the smallest of the hills, then you may have to face some serious problem.

As long as your house is higher than those fences, there is a high probability that you will hear some noise.

So, what's the solution?

You can either increase the height of the fence or you can go for soundproofing your house.

However, once you have placed the acoustic fence panels, the intensity of the noise reaching your doorsteps or windows will definitely decrease.

So, placing an acoustic fence panel is always a great thing that you can do against loud neighbors.

Role of Wind Direction: As we know that the air is a medium used by sound waves to travel. So, blocking the movement of air from outside to your house or vice-versa can definitely bring a tangible difference.

I will not say that the wind will play a significant role, but I can't negate it's influenced as well. In short, it totally depends on case to case basis.

At last whatever you do, if nature is against, you will lose.

2. Install Small Fountain/Glass Waterfall: If the aforementioned doesn't work for you, then you can consider installing a small fountain or glass waterfall.

Water functions similar to the white noise machine when it comes to dampening the noise. In fact, I will not say that the water will block the noise rather it will mask the unwanted noise.

Another benefit of installing a fountain in your backyard is that it will increase the overall appearance of your household.

You can also go for the soundproof fences Do-it-yourself way. The process is simple and easy and, you will not have to spend a lot of money.

You simply have to install a wooden or concrete fence. I will recommend wooden over the concrete. After the fence is installed, you need to hang the blankets over it, and you are done.

Things can't be easier than this, right?

3. Installing Soundproof Curtains: The soundproof curtains are known for dampening the unwanted noise coming from outside and vice-versa. These curtains are made of soundproof materials that have the capability to absorb the unwanted noise.

I will recommend you to buy a soundproof curtain that has built-in grommets. It may cost you a few more bucks, but it's worth to spend those bucks. If you will buy a soundproof curtain that doesn't have grommets installed, then you will have to spend extra bucks to get those grommets installed. Anyways, the choice is yours.

These curtains play a crucial role in soundproofing a window.

4. Installing Soundproof Blankets: The soundproof blankets are also a great option. You can easily install these blankets to soundproof a door, soundproof a wall, soundproof a window etc.

These soundproof blankets are very thick and have the capabilities to absorb the noise. However, if the noise is very loud, then you will need some other soundproofing material such as a bass trap to support it.

The thicker the blanket the better is the acoustical properties.

Bonus Tip: You can also multifold the blanket to enhance the acoustical properties.

These blankets are very heavy, and you will need some professional hands to hang it on the doors or windows.

Decorating these blankets with paintings and colors will add elegance to the decor.

These blankets are popularly known as the "moving blankets" because they are used for protecting the furniture and other household appliances from damage while shifting the house.

5. Installing Bass Traps: If your neighbor is playing the music loud, then a bass trap is the perfect solution for you. The bass traps have the capability to dampen the low-frequency such as BASS.

You can easily install the bass traps on the wall of your house, and leave the rest on these traps. You will be astonished that these traps will take care of the low frequencies.

[Related]1. Best Bass Traps | An Unbiased Review
               2. Auralex Bass Trap Review
                     3. Do foam bass traps work?

6. Weatherstrip Tapes: The weatherstrip plays a crucial role when it comes to soundproofing a door. They act as a catalyst to soundproof the space between the floor and the bottom of the door.

It is an important step of soundproofing doors. By doing so, you also prevent the thermal leaking and protects your room from the insects.

Well, I used the weatherstrip tapes to soundproof the apartment entrance door. It helped me to get rid of the water entering my apartment during the rainy season.

There are a variety of strips available in the market, and most of them do their work perfectly.

Personally, I use this weatherstrip because of its budget-friendly nature.

7. White Noise Machine: It is a sort of temporary solution to the loud music. You can switch on the machine at a pitch slightly higher than human conversation tone. The white noise machine has the capability to mask the noise of any frequency that the human ear can hear( 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz).

But, it's not a permanent solution. Once you switch off the machine, you will again hear the neighbors' music sound. However, you can try this method for instant relief.

White noise machine or white noise fan is easily available on the market at a budget-friendly price.

Wrapping Up:

I hope you will try the aforementioned methods. All these methods are cost-effective. The best thing to get rid of the loud neighbor is to soundproof your room or apartment. It will be a permanent solution, and will also improve the home ambiance.

Anyways, let us know your ways of getting rid of unwanted noise coming from neighbors or traffic.


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