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How to Quiet Drums for Practice | [7 Innovative Tips]

how to quiet drums for practice cost-effectively

How to Quiet Drums for Practice Effectively

If you are an individual living in a metro city, then becoming a drummer can be a nightmare.

Well! you may say that what the f*** I am blabbering. 


I hope you will agree with my explanation.

For becoming a good drummer, you need to practice a lot. If you have a soundproof drum room, then it's easy for you.


If your drum room is NOT soundproof, then you have to put loads and loads of efforts to prepare an ambiance that will support the drum practice.

If you live in an apartment, then you will be well aware of the rules and regulations. Practicing drum may annoy your neighbors, and you may have to face the consequences.

So, what's the BEST solution?

One of my clients had a similar problem. As a soundproof consultant, I need to come up with a cost-effective and feasible solution.

My team worked very hard and came up with a 7 steps solution. I asked my client to follow these steps.

He came back to me after a month and hopefully he was satisfied with our solution.

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Today I am gonna share the same steps to help you guys became a better drummer.

Without wasting any time, let's begin...

7 tips to quiet drums for practice

1. Buy Silent Drumhead Pads: If you are leaving in an apartment or a place where drumbeats can put you in trouble, then I will advise you to invest in drumhead pads. It can help you to get instant relief from the drum sound.

These pads are specifically designed to quiet the noise that drums usually make when you play. It's really easy to use. You have to simply drop it on a drum for the low volume playing.

There are some really good drumhead pads in the market, but I can assure you that the Aquarium Drumheads Super Pads are superlative.

They come in different shape and size which means anyone can get the right size for their drumset.

The rubber border provides stability to these pads. The best thing about these pads is affordability and effectiveness.

Trust me the pad really works and, after applying it on your drum, you can instantly feel the difference in the noise level.

So, what are you waiting for?

2. Try a Low Volume Cymbal Set: I am sure that most of you who have successfully quieted their drums had definitely tried cymbal set. It is a known fact that the cymbals make loads and loads of noise. If you are able to silence them, then half of your work is done.

Correct me, if I am wrong.

I will recommend you to invest in the cymbal set. Though there are many good products available in the market still I will suggest you should try Zildjian L80 Low Volume Cymbal Set. This is a value for money product and, there is NO doubt that the competitors are also good but unfortunately, they are highly priced.

You can expect Zildjian to be 80% quieter than the normal cymbal set.

This cymbal set can be used continuously for long hours. The lifespan of this product is good.

3. Reposition the Drumset: Sometimes the repositioning can help you to get rid of echoes, vibrations, and reverbs. In fact, it is an essential yet easy step to quiet your drum.

I will suggest you should move your drumset to one corner. By doing so, the noise will be contained in a smaller area.

A better thing can be to place the drum near the window. 

Bonus Tip: If after placing the drumset near the walls, you are experiencing an increase in the reverbs or echoes, then place it in the middle of the room. The effectiveness of this method is dependent on the dimension of the room. For the best results, you can try a few locations, and then finally select the best location.

4. Soundproof Rug Installation: It is very important to sound dampen the floor on which you are planning to place the drumset. Just for your information, low frequencies sound have the capability to travel through the hard surface such as floors and walls, but it doesn't mean that mid and high frequencies aren't troublesome. In fact, they are more problematic because they bounce back from the hard surfaces such as floors and walls, and creates vibrations and echoes.

By placing a thick rug can help you to dampen the sound. Remember, the thicker the Rug the better will be the sound dampening capability.

This step can be considered as a supplementary step.

5. Install Acoustic Foam Panels: This is perhaps the most important step. To minimize the acoustics such as vibrations, reverbs, and most importantly echoes, you need to hang the acoustic foam panels on the walls and the corners of the room.

If you are tight on budget, then I will recommend you to at least cover the wall that is closest to the drumset. If the acoustic problem still persists, then you should place some foam panels at the corners of the room and, also on the parallel wall.

[Related]: Do foam bass traps work?

6. Install Sound Absorbing Drapes: If you have placed the drumset near the windows, then there is a high probability that a major portion of the sound will travel to the outer world through the window even if it is closed.

You can install a soundproof curtain on the window. These curtains are thick and made of the sound dampening materials.

It is helpful, but you can't expect 100 percent dampening of the sound.

As an alternative, you can also try a soundproof blanket.

[Related]: How to soundproof a window cheaply?

7. Fill Room with Furniture and Other Items:

You can add some furniture and bookshelves filled with books in your drum room. It will really help you to dampen the sound. Adding soundproofing paints and wallpapers can be a bit tricky, and the result may depend on various parameters.

Using carpet for covering the floor can be a good idea.

I have personally arranged the furniture in my room in such a way that it covers the walls and windows, and you know what, I instantly felt the tangible difference.

How to Quiet Drums for Practice: Wrapping UP

I hope this post added some value to you. Well, there is a trick. If you will pick anyone step and imply it to your drum room, you may not find a satisfactory difference. Applying all the 7 steps together will definitely dampen the sound to a level that your purpose will get solved.

I hope this article will help you to become a professional drummer by providing you with the needed tips for soundproofing.

If you have used some other methods to quiet drums, then share it with our readers.


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