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How To Make A Room Fan Quieter | [DIY]

How To Make A Room Fan Quieter

In this post, we will be talking about the steps that you need to follow to make your fan quieter. It's advisable to buy a quieter fan rather than spending time and money to convert a normal fan into a quieter one.

If you are planning to buy a quiet fan then, allow me to share the link of the mindboggling quiet fan review.
On the other hand, if you have already bought a normal fan and you don't have a budget to buy a new quieter fan then, you can follow the time-tested method for the superlative output.

How To Make A Room Fan Quieter

how to make a room fan quieter instantly

Mostly we use oscillating fans in our living room or offices. These fans circulate air in the room and thus, cooling the room on hot summer days. What I don't like about the oscillating fan is the unwanted noise that literally acts as a spoiling agent. You may lose interest in the TV shows, music or conversation. At times, the fan noise can be extremely irritating. 

You will be astonished to know that in most of the cases, these unwanted noises can be easily eliminated by small repairs or troubleshooting.

Before we discuss the steps in-depth, allow us to throw some light on the frequently asked question on this topic. In case, we aren't able to cover your question then, you can ask the question in the comment section and we will be more than happy to resolve your query.

Why is my fan making a rattling noise?

Rattling is a very common problem with portable fans. When you switch on the fan, it starts drawing in air. Unfortunately, dust is also drawn along with air. The dust causes blades of the portable fan to become out of balance leading to rattling.

Rattling can be reduced to a great extent by simply cleaning the blades. However, a little bit if tightening up the screws can almost negate rattling.

You can do two things to prevent your fan from rattling.
  • Clean the fan blades on regular basis.
  • Make an arrangement to prevent blades from accumulating dust.

Why is my fan making a squeaking noise?

The squeaking noise is caused due to the loosening of the screw that connects the blade of the fan to the arm of the fan.

Mostly, the squeaking noise is observed in the ceiling fan.

The solution is very simple. You need to tighten the screws and you are done.

Why is my fan making a buzzing noise?

You may find multiple reasons that can lead to the buzzing noise. For example, if you are running the fan continuously for 24 hours then, your fan may start buzzing. The buzzing sound indicates that the motor bearing is in urgent need of the lubrication.
To stop the buzzing sound, you need to lubricate your fan by using machine oil.

At the same time, buzzing can also be the result of a loose screw that attaches blades to the motor.

If you have dealt with buzzing that has some other reason then, please pen down your reason in the comment section.

Step by step process to make a room fan quieter

Step 1: The first and foremost thing that you need to check is the reason for the noise. It is possible that the reason of noise is an external source. For example, you can place the fan on the smooth surface such as carpet and switch it on. If the fan doesn't rattle then, the hard surface may be the reason for the rattling noise.

Step 2: If the rattling sound doesn't go by placing the fan on a smooth surface then, you need to clean dust and dirt from your fan. At times, it has been found that the dust and dirt have clogged the internal mechanism of the fan. The process is quite simple. You need to remove the grill of the fan by using the screwdriver. Clean the blades and the surrounding areas by using a soft cloth.

You can use canned air to remove the dust from the parts of the fan where your fingers can't reach.

Now, replace the grill to check whether the noise problem is solved or not.

Step 3: If the problem isn't solved by performing step 2 then, you need to inspect the fan parts for any loose object. You need to tighten loose screws using screwdriver or wrench. Don't forget to use tape to secure the loose parts.

Again run the fan to see if the problem is solved or not. If the problem persists then, you need to move to step 4.

Step 4: The first thing that you have to do is to align your fan blades. Moving further, remove the fan grills and then, carefully remove the blade hub. Now, you have to measure the height of each blade by placing the blade hub on a flat surface.
Here, you need to check for the distance between each blade. If the difference between the blade is uneven or more than 1/4 inches then, equalize the distance between the fan blades. If needed you have to bend the blades to normalize the distance.

Now restore the position of the hub and the grill and again run the fan to see if the problem is resolved.

Step 5: This is the last step and before trying this step, you need to carefully perform the previous four steps.
In this step, you have to lubricate the motor bearings. You need to apply two drops of detergent oil to each oil port. Personally, I use Lube King and it has matched my expectation. In case you are looking for a superlative detergent oil then, I will suggest you, try this product.

In case your fan doesn't have an oil port then, spray the shaft and the surrounding area with lubricant.

Before we conclude, allow me to share the link of some of the mindboggling product review posts.

Wrapping UP: How To Make A Room Fan Quieter

I can assure you that the above-mentioned steps will definitely help you to get rid of the unwanted noise. In case, your problem isn't solved then, you need to contact the service center. I have personally used these steps quite a few times to get rid of unwanted noise from the ceiling fan. 

Please share your ways of handling the unwanted fan noise. 


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