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Best Way To Block Snoring Noise | [Secret Revealed]

best way to block snoring noise

Best Way To Block Snoring Noise

Either you snore or you have shared a space with someone who snores, you must have felt the kind of disgrace it may bring.

In fact, most of us are victims of snoring in some or the other way. I think it will not be unfair to say that a snoring partner may wreak havoc on your sleep if proper precautions aren't taken.

I wasn't exceptional and have to face the problem of snoring quite often. When you have a problem and you don't know the solution, then what you do?

You simply go into hit and trial mode and I also did the same. Some method didn't work at all, some worked but not to an extent that I can say, yes I have found the solution to crack the snoring problem.

I have great faith in the proverb, "every dog has its day" and finally, a day came in my life when I literally got the solution and by means of this post, I am trying to share my experience in the simplest way.

Allow me to delve into the subject before I discuss some noise-canceling products with you.

I will be sharing a list of products that can help you to block out the snoring sound.

However, on the way, I will also be sharing the temporary as well as a permanent solution to snoring.

But before that, I would like to discuss the basic terminology related to snoring.

If you read my previous posts, then definitely you can skip this section. 

Never criticize a person who snores because you can only understand the pain if you will put your feet in his shoe. 

Being a critic is easy but being a sensible critic isn't that easy.

No matter what you think about the snoring, you have to acknowledge the fact the experience isn't pleasant for the person who is snoring either. However, snoring may be the reason for some serious health concerns.

block snoring sound

What causes snoring?

Snoring is caused by the vibration of tissues in the process of breathing through an obstruction. The obstruction may be present in the nose or throat. Sometimes, a bad throat or noise can be the reason for it. But, in most of the cases, an increase in weight have been found to be the real reason behind the snoring.

We went to a dinner party and the snoring topic was very hot during those years of my life. We started debating on the topic that whether men or women are more prone to snoring?

Any guess?

Unfortunately, men are more prone to snoring because they naturally have a narrow passage and even a tiny blockage in the passage can lead to very loud snoring.

Researchers claim that hereditary factors also play a crucial role when it comes to snoring but I haven't found sufficient evidence to support the claim.

Allow me to discuss some of the well-known reason for snoring.
  • Over-imbibing
  • Sinus issues
  • Crossed mid-age
  • Sleeping in a certain position
  • Abnormal height-weight index
Over-imbibing: People who either drink too often or smoke very often are the first in the list of the snores. Even people using some type of medications can snore louder because these medications relax the muscles and thus, tissues vibrate producing unusual sound.

By consuming a lot of alcohol, there can be swelling into the throat or nose and, it may lead to thinning of the passage, though temporarily causing snoring.

Sleeping in a certain position: It's all about loosening your muscles and definitely different sleeping postures have a different impact on the loosening of muscles. After all, certain postures tend to leave your nose and throat open wider causing snoring.

Ask your partner about the sleeping posture in which you snore a lot and accordingly, avoid that posture. It may be one or many sleeping postures.

Sinus Issues: According to a survey conducted on a group of people, it was found that the people with nasal and sinus problem are the one who snores frequently as well as louder as compared to others.

In case, your nasal or sinus problem isn't going then, it's better to consult a doctor.

Crossed mid-age: There isn't any solution to the old age. As we grew old, more and more tissues start participating in the vibration as we breathe because these tissues tend to become looser and unfortunately, there isn't any solution to it. However, you can postpone the looseness of the tissues by working doing some throat related exercise.

It will help you to maintain the stiffness of the muscles and tissues over a long period of time.

Out of shape: It can lead to the loosening of muscles and fatty tissues causing snoring. Whether you are young or old, out of shape will aggravate the snoring.

By involving yourself in physical activities such as swimming, jogging, running, weight lifting etc, you can delay the aging process and, this is perhaps the natural and also, the most effective way.

Till now, we have discussed the common cause of snoring but at times, snoring can be the end result of some severe health condition.

By knowing about these conditions, you can save your life.

Sometimes considering snoring as a natural process can be dangerous. So, be informed citizen and also, educates others by sharing the post with them.

Medical Cause of Snoring

Unfortunately, if snoring is the symptoms of some of the medical conditions that we will discuss later in this post then, the worst thing about it is that snoring can easily transit into choking.

So, I will suggest having proper knowledge about these pathetic medical conditions before its too late. My intention is not to get you scared. However, presenting the information to my readers in a simple way can definitely save their life.

I may have sound weird but taking things on a lighter note and avoiding or neglecting the problem will only aggravate it.

It's always good to face the problem rather than running away from it.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea, a well-known and common cause of snoring can lead to several health complications if not treated on time.

Unfortunately, it's a breathing obstruction that happens during sleep. The people suffering from this disease stop breathing for short period at a time and, if not treated on time can result in choking.

The main problem is that people aren't aware of the sleep apnea symptoms. Here, we will throw some light on the things that you can do to figure out that you are a victim of sleep apnea or not.
  • You can ask your partner to check in on you while you are asleep.
  • There are lots of apps available in the market that you can install to keep a track of your sleeping habits.
  • Have a thorough check once in a while in case you snore.
  • Ask someone to record a video or audio of yours while you are asleep.
These are a very small task and doesn't take loads of effort. These small steps can help you to know more about your snoring.


Having all your tonsils may lead to tonsillitis. It good to get removed your tonsils in childhood to defend against tonsillitis.

It is very important to deal with the inflammation on time else it may lead to health complications.

The adenoid tonsil is the biggest noise. The reason for making so much noise is it's positioning at the back of the nose.

So, most of the time, doctors remove only two tonsils- the adenoid and the palatine tonsils because they are closest to the mouth.

Unfortunately, these tonsils can grow so big that it may lead to a severe problem such as choking.

Fortunately, removing these problematic tonsils is easier than you think.

Again, the adenoid tonsil has the capability to grow so, if you are snoring as an adult then, adenoid tonsil may be the reason.

Tips to Stop Snoring

If you are the one suffering from snoring then, you shouldn't feel bad for it because it's NOT in your control. You can only try different methods to reduce the snoring.

Again, if your partner is the victim of the snoring then, you shouldn't criticize her rather you should support her to get rid of it.

But at the same time, you can control some of the factor mentions above to be well prepared against the snoring.

So, before you buy a noise cancellation machine for your partner, it's really to discuss with her. 

I am sharing with you some tips that you can share with your partner for the optimum output. At the same time, it's really important to understand what your partner is going through and, you should respond accordingly.
  • You can ask your partner to reduce the consumption of alcohol. You have to convince her that by doing so she can get rid of the snoring. If she is a chain smoker then, you should ask her to quit the smoking at the earliest. Trust me, these are technically the easiest thing that a person needs to do to get rid of the snoring.
  • A blocked nose can be a possible reason for snoring. So, its good to inculcate the nose cleaning in your daily routine.
  • A correct sleeping posture can help you to reduce snoring. Ask your partner to sleep on the side or the front. I know none of these postures are perfect for a sound sleep but to minimize the effect of snoring, you can try this out. You may not believe me but I have seen many people using tennis balls and also, pillow to prevent themselves from turning over their back.
The above-mentioned methods are easy to implement and once implemented you can expect a quick result.

Moving further, we will discuss some more ways to fix the serious causes of snoring completely. 

But before that, we will have a look at some products that can help you to block the irritating snoring completely.

block out snoring

How to block out snoring?

Well, if you and your partner have tried multiple ways to stop snoring and still haven't been successful then, this section of the post is for you. Firstly, I will discuss some of the ways that can help you to block the snoring and later, I will also through some light on the changes that you can bring in your lifestyle to minimize the snoring. At last, I will tell you about some of the medical solutions that may be of great help and of course for the good.

Noise Blocking Earmuffs

The simplest way to get rid of any noise is to plug your ears. I have tried quite a few earmuffs over a period of time. Most of them were good and block unwanted noise to some extent. Most of the times, my readers are interested in one product name rather than giving them an option of five or ten.

So, if you are also the one, who wants to know the best blocking earmuffs then, I will suggest you do try Howard Leight, it is very comfortable and unobtrusive.
The inner side of the muff is quite appealing and the thick material acts really well against the noise.

However, if that's not your style then, you can have a look on the earmuffs product review post. I can assure you that you will definitely get an earmuff of your choice.

Try Headphones and Earbuds

It's a good option to try headphones and earbuds in case, you are having trouble with the sleeping. I also used to suffer a lot in terms of sleeping when my wife used to snore very loud.

Another benefit of using headphone is that the music will help you to sleep faster.

Personally, I use this headphone and its a budget product. I literally love the soft silicone shell of the earbuds, it's so enticing. It easily fits my ear and doesn't budge throughout the night.

However, this product is wired.

White Noise Machines

I have written a few detailed articles on white noise and its impact on the snoring. I consider white noise one of the best ways to get relief from unwanted snoring noise.

In fact, I have recommended the use of white noise machines in the office as well as the living room to minimize the ill effects of a noisy ambiance. 

I can assure you that white noise machine will be of great help when it comes to eliminating the outside noise. At the same time, it will mitigate the impact of snoring on your sleep.

Loads and loads of my readers asked me to review the white noise machine but trust me, it wasn't an easy task. We need to consider a lot of parameters before giving a white machine a title of "BEST". 

Our credibility is also on the stake so, I only write a review post when I am equipped with all the needed information.

We did lots of experiments across various parameters to cross-check the companies claim.

I will suggest you, read the best white noise machine review post before buying a machine.

Even if the product mentioned in the review post doesn't suit your requirements, you can have a good amount of knowledge to check the various parameters that need to be considered while planning to buy a white machine.

In general, I recommend the SNOOZ machine, it also has an app that really simplifies your work. I love the portability, efficiency, and zero maintenance nature of this little beast.

White Noise Fans

I have personally experienced the difference that a white noise fan makes to your sleeping routine. Once I started using the white noise fan, I used to wake up with loads and loads positive energy. Almost, all the fatigues are gonna. The best thing that I liked about these white noise fans is that uninterrupted sleep that you get when you switch on the fan. It helps your brain to relax and recover fast from the daily tear and near.

Trust me, most of the white noise fans don't their work perfectly. Some of the key parameters that you really need to consider while planning to buy is are the noise canceling capability, battery back up, portability, user-friendly, and the area that fan can cover effectively.

I have written a beast buying article on the best white noise fan, I am sure it will help you to take decision correctly. Needless to say, there is always a trade-off between price and quality and same holds true for these fans as well.

Let me know in the comment section which is your favorite white noise fan.

In case, you are tight on a budget, I will recommend you to buy a fan that has important features at a minimal price and Lasko can be the fan that you will love taking home.

Air Humidifier

Though I have reviewed some of the mindboggling products and my audience have really shown me loads and loads of love and affection still I haven't reviewed the humidifier.

The reason is quite simple, recently I bought one and it will take a while for me to understand the product features and productivity in a better way.

However, during the course of my research on the humidifier, I found these products quite fascinating and worth a purchase.

It minimizes the impact of snoring by preventing your nose and airways to get dry.

In the research, I found that most of the humidifier comes with an option of adding essential oils for a bit of aromatherapy.

You can use lavender oils for a great result.

Similar to white noise fan, it also creates a whirring noise that minimizes the impact of outside noise such barking of dogs, horns and many more.

As the name suggests, the humidifier is great at maintaining the optimum amount of humidity required to alleviate dry nasal passage. It does so by releasing a cool mist.

I will not deny the fact that there are numerous quiet air humidifiers in the market that can serve your purpose easily. If you are looking for a humidifier that can provide higher humidity in the room then, LEVOIT can serve the purpose. Recently I bought one for my kid's room and thankfully, my decision of choosing LEVOIT was a good one. It consists of all the features that a person needs and also, it's a budget friendly product.

You may find a humidifier which has awesome features but at the same time, you must be ready to take a dig on your pocket.

Forget to mention, LEVOIT comes with remote control.

Permanent Fixes For Snoring

Till now, I have discussed the temporary ways to get rid of snoring. All the tips and tricks that we discussed so far has nothing to do with an operation or other complicated medical treatments.

If you aren't satisfied with quick-fix methods then, you will have to try big guns.

You guessed it right, I am talking about visiting the doctor. I will suggest you to completely get rid of alcoholism, smoking, and try to bring some change in the lifestyle.

If you have done these things before meeting the doctor then, your treatment can be fast else he will ask you to first get rid of the mentioned thing and then, only he will proceed further.

Another thing that you should consider doing is inculcating some exercises in your daily routine. It will help you to keep a check on your weight-height ratio index. Maintaining the perfect ratio can help you to get rid of the snoring.

It has been found that an increase in weight is directly proportional to the loudness and frequency of the snoring.

I will suggest doing exercise with your partner, it will improve the sleep and also, can be a totally fun doing together.

Correct me, if I am wrong?

Before we discuss some of the idiosyncratic exercises that you can do to reduce the looseness of the tissues that vibrates when you are sleeping, allow me to share some of the mindboggling product review posts.
I can assure that by performing the below-mentioned exercise, you will definitely get good results.
  • Chanting towel out loud for few minutes throughout the day.
  • Moving your tongue towards the back of your mouth and holding it there for a minute or two.
  • Tightening the muscles at the back of your throat with your mouth wide open.
  • Closing and tightening your lips and holding the muscles for some time.
There is a high probability that a doctor might recommend an anti-snoring device.

Needless to mention, if snoring is really bad there are several surgical procedures that the doctor may recommend.

However, I would love to end up this section with a piece of good news, in most of the cases, it has been found that the simple exercises mentioned above if done on the regular basis can help you to get rid of the snoring.

I forget to mention that there is a device named continuous positive air pressure machine(CPAP machine) can be of great help and if the snoring is really bad then the doctor will definitely recommend it. It can also be of great help in case you are a patient of sleep apnea.

Wrapping Up: Best Way to Block Snoring Sound

We have tried to cover all the aspects of snoring and also, the related treatment. However, if the problem persists for a long duration, I will suggest you consult a doctor.

Initially, you can start with the mentioned exercises to tighten your throat tissues to avoid snoring followed by a device like white noise machine to mitigate the impact of snoring while your partner is sleeping.

As you can see by the means of this blog post, we have tried to touch many products, tricks and many more to help you find the way that can suit you the most. Either you can go with stopping the snoring or you can stop it from reaching your ear. For me, both seem fine until and unless the snoring isn't a symptom of some severe health complications.

I would like to end up this post with a bonus tip. You can also use room divider curtains to sleep properly. Using a room divider curtain you can isolate your bed with the external noises including your partners snoring.


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